


Peirce, Charles Sanders (A - J)


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* Benedict, G.A., What Are Representamens?, in: Transactions of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society, 21/2, 1985, S. 240-269.

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* Burch, R.W., A Peircean Reduction Thesis and the Foundations of Topological Logic, Lubbock 1990.

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* Burks, A.W., Icon, Index, and Symbol, in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1, 1940/41, S. 673-689.

* Chauviré, Ch., La philosophie comme description de l’ordinaire chez Peirce et chez Wittgenstein, in: Archives de Philosophie, 73/1, 2010.

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* Christensen, C.B., Peirce's Transformation of Kant, in: The Review of Metaphysics, 48/1, 1994.

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* Delanay, C.F., Science, Knowledge, and Mind. A Study in the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, 1993.

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* Deuser, H., Charles Sanders Peirce. Kategoriale Semiotik und Pragmatismus, in: M. Fleischer & J. Hennigfeld (Hrsg.), Philosophen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine Einführung, Darmstadt 1998, S. 220-240.

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* Dipert, R.R., Peirce's Propositional Logic, in: The Review of Metaphysics, 34, 1980/81.

* Dougherty, Ch.J., The Common Root of Husserl’s and Peirce’s Phenomenologies, in: The New Scholasticism, 54/3, 1980.

* Driel, H. v., De semiosis. De semiotiek van C.S. Peirce in verband gebracht met het verschijnsel, Diss. Tilburg 1993.

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* Dyer, A.W., Veblen on Scientific Creativity: The Influence of Charles S. Peirce, in: J.C. Wood (Hrsg.), Thorstein Veblen: Critical Assessments, 3 Bde., London 1993; hier: Bd. I: The Life of Thorstein Veblen and Perspectives on His Thought.

* Eco, U., Derrida über Peirce, in: U. Eco, Grenzen der Interpretation, München 1999.

* Eisele, C., Historical Perspectives on Peirce's Logic of Science. A History of Science, 2 Bde., Berlin/New York 1985.

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* Erny, N., Konkrete Vernünftigkeit. Zur Konzeption einer pragmatistischen Vernunft bei Charles S. Peirce, Tübingen 2005.

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* Esposito, J.L., Evolutionary Metaphysics. The Development of Peirce's Theory of Categories, 1980.

* Fairbanks, M.J., C.S. Peirce and Logical Atomism, in: The New Scholasticism, 38, 1964, S. 178-188.

* Fann, K.T., Peirce's Theory of Abduction, Den Haag 1970.

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* Fisch, M.H., Classic American Philosophy: Peirce, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Whitehead, New York 1951.

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* Fisch, M.H., The Range of Peirce's Relevance, in: The Monist, 65/2, 1982.

* Fisch, M.H. & Kloesel, Ch.J., Peirce and the Florentine Pragmatists: His Letter to Calderoni and a New Edition of His Writings, in: Topoi, 1/2, 1983.

* Fitzgerald, J.J., Peirce's Theory of Signs as a Foundation for Pragmatism, Den Haag/Paris 1966.

* Floridi, L., Scepticism and the Search for Knowledge. A Peircish Answer to a Kantian Doubt, in: Transactions of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society, 30, 1994, S. 543-573.

* Fontrodona, J., Pragmatism and Management Inquiry. Insights from the Thought of Charles S. Peirce, 2002.

* Forster, P., Peirce and the Threat of Nominalism, Cambridge 2011.

* Frankfurt, H.G., Peirce's Notion of Abduction, in: The Journal of Philosophy, 55, 1958, S. 593-597.

* Frederick, J.N., Chance, Causality, and Freedom in the Writings of C.S. Peirce, Diss. University of Georgia 1979.

* Freeman, E. & Skolimowski, H., The Search for Objectivity in Peirce and Popper, in: P.A. Schilpp (Hrsg.), The Philosophy of Karl Popper, La Salle 1974, S. 508-515.

* French, St., A Peircean Response to the Realist-Empiricist Debate, in: Transactions of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society, 25/3, 1989.

* Gallie, W.B., Peirce and Pragmatism, Harmondsworth 1952, New York 1966.

* Gallie, W.B., The Metaphysics of C.S. Peirce, in: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 47, 1946‑47.

* George, R., Taking Thoughts One at a Time: Peirce on the Linear Progression of Thought in Reasoning, in: Philosophie des Geistes ‑Philosophie der Psychologie / Philosophy of Mind - Philosophy of Psychology, Wien, S. 551-557 (Schriftenreihe der Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft, Bd. XI).

* Glastra van Loon, J.F., Charles Peirce over het werkelijke en wat wij daarover kunnen zeggen, in: Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 27/3, 1986/87.

* Gorlée, D.L., Semiotics and the Problem of Translation. With Special Reference to the Semiotics of Charles S. Peirce, Amsterdam 1994.

* Goudge, Th.A., Peirce's Treatment of Induction, in: Philosophy of Science, 7, 1940, S. 56-68.

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* Goulimi, A., Kommunikatives Handeln als semiotischer Prozeß. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns aus der Perspektive der Semiotik von Charles S. Peirce, Bern 2002.

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* Haack, S., Descartes, Peirce, and the Cognitive Community, in: The Monist, 65/2, 1982.

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* Hoffmann, K. & Otte, M., Die Philosophie der Mathematik bei Ch.S. Peirce im Kontext seines "evolutionären Realismus". Eine Untersuchung zum Peirceschen Kontinuitätsprinzip, in: Dialektik, 3/1994.

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* Hulswit, M., C.S. Peirce over doelveroorzaking in de natuur, in: Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 85/2, 1993.

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