


Platon (Vi - Wal)

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* Vlastos, G., Slavery in Plato's Thought, in: The Philosophical Review, 50, 1941, S. 289-304 [in: M.I. Finley (Hrsg.), Slavery in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge 1960, S. 133-149 (with Postscript); in: G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies, Princeton (N.J.) 1973, S. 147-163].

* Vlastos, G., Socratic Knowledge and Platonic "Pessimism", in: The Philosophical Review, 66, 1957, S. 226-238 [in: G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies, Princeton 21981, S. 204-220].

* Vlastos, G., The Argument in the "Republic" that Justice Pays, in: The Journal of Philosophy, 65, 1968, S. 665-674.

* Vlastos, G., The Individual as an Object of Love in Plato, in: G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies, Princeton (N.J.) 1973, Princeton (N.J.) 21981, S. 3-42.

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* Vlastos, G., The Theory of Social Justice in the "Polis" in Plato's "Republic", in: H. North (Hrsg.), Interpretations of Plato. A Swarthmore Symposium, Leiden 1977, S. 1-40 (Mnemosyne, Suppl.-Bd. L) [in: G. Vlastos, Studies in Greek Philosophy. Bd. II: Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition, Princeton (N.J.) 1995, S. 69-103].

* Vlastos, G., The Third Man Argument in the "Parmenides", in: The Philosophical Review, 63, 1954, S. 319-349 [in: R.E. Allen (Hrsg.), Studies in Plato's Metaphysics, London/New York 1965, 21967, S. 231-263; in: G. Vlastos, Studies in Greek Philosophy. Bd. II: Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition, Princeton (N.J.) 1995, S. 166-190; in: N.D. Smith (Hrsg.), Plato: Critical Assessments, 4 Bde.; Bd. IV: Plato's Later Works, London 1997].

* Vlastos, G., The Unity of Virtues in the "Protagoras", in: The Review of Metaphysics, 25, 1972, S. 415-458 [in: G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies, Princeton (N.J.) 1973, Princeton (N.J.) 21981, S. 221-269; in: W.J. Prior (Hrsg.), Socrates: Critical Assessments, 4 Bde..; Bd. IV: Happiness and Virtue, London 1996].

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