

Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften - Literaturliste (zu Heft 4/2013)



Bechtel, W. (1994): “Deciding on the data: epistemological problems surrounding instruments and research techniques in cell biology”. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 2: 167-178.

Bird, A. & Tobin, E. (2012): “Natural kinds”. In: Zalta, E.N. (Hg.): The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), online.

Bogen, J. & Woodward, J. (1988): “Saving the phenomena”. The Philosophical Review 97: 303-352.

Bowker, G.C. (2005): Memory Practices in the Sciences. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Brigandt, I. (2009): “Natural kinds in evolution and systematics: metaphysical and epistemological considerations”. Acta Biotheoretica 57: 77-97.

Downes, S. & Machery, E. (Hg.) (2013): Arguing about Human Nature. London: Routledge.

Esfeld, M. & Sachse, C. (2011): Conservative Reductionism. London: Routledge.

Feest, U. (2011): “What exactly is stabilized when phenomena are stabilized?” Synthese 182: 57-71.

Feyerabend, P.K. (1962): “Explanation, reduction, and empiricism.” In: Feigl, H. & Maxwell, G. (Hg.): Scientific Explanation, Space and Time (= Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 3). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 28-97.

Foot, P. (2004): Die Natur des Guten (übers. von M. Reuter). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Ghiselin, M.T. (1974): “A radical solution to the species problem”. Systematic Zoology 23: 536-544.

Gnadenberger, G.S. (2010): “Producing a robust body of data with a single technique”. Philosophy of Science 77: 381-399.

Godfrey-Smith, P. (2013): “Darwinian individuals”. In: Bouchard, F. & Huneman, P. (Hg.): From Groups to Individuals. Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 16-36.

Grene, M. & Depew, D.J. (2004): The Philosophy of Biology: An Episodic History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hempel, C.G. (1952): Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Herrmann, P.A. et al. (2012): “When humans become animals. Development of the animal category in early childhood”. Cognition 122: 74-79.

Huber, L. & Keuck, L.K. (2013): Mutant mice: experimental organisms as materialised models. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44: 385-391.

Hull, D.L. (1974): Philosophy of Biological Science. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

 (1976): “Are species really individuals?” Systematic Zoology 25: 174-191.

 (1978): “A matter of individuality”. Philosophy of Science 45: 335-360.

 (1986): “On human nature”. In: Ders. & Ruse, M. (Hg.): Philosophy of Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1998, 383-397.

 (2008): “The history of the philosophy of biology”. In: Ruse, M. (Hg.): The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 11-33.

Hüttemann, A. & Love, A. (2011): “Aspects of reductive explanation in biological science: intrinsicality, fundamentality, and temporality”. British Journal for Philosophy of Science 62 (3): 519-549.

Kaiser, M.I. (2011): “Limits of reductionism in the life sciences”. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33, 453-476.

 (2012): “Why it is time to move beyond Nagelian reduction”. In: Dieks, D. et al. (Hg.): Probabilities, Laws, and Structures. The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective, vol. 3. Heidelberg: Springer, 255-272.

Köchy, K. (2008): Biophilosophie zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius.

Kornblith, H. (1993): Inductive Inference and Its Natural Ground. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Krohs, U. & Toepfer, G. (Hg.) (2005): Philosophie der Biologie. Eine Einführung. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Kronfeldner, M. (im Druck): „Die epistemische Fragmentierung des Menschen: Wie der Mensch zwischen Natur und Kultur verschwindet“. Studia philosophica.

Kronfeldner, M. Roughley, N. & Toepfer, G. (in Begutachtung): “Recent work on human nature”. Philosophy Compass.

Leonelli, S. & Ankeny, R. (2012): “Re-thinking organisms: the impact of data-bases on model organism biology”. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43: 29-36.

Lewens, T. (2012): “Human nature: the very idea”. Philosophy and Technology 24: 459-474.

Longino, H.E. (2013): Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Nagel, E. (1961): The Structure of Science. Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation. London: Routledge.

Nickles, T. (1973): “Two concepts of intertheoretic reduction”. The Journal of Philosophy 70: 181-201.

Reydon, T.A.C. (2010): “Natural kind theory as a tool for philosophers of science”. In: Suárez, M., Dorato, M. & Rédei, M. (Hg.): EPSA – Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Dordrecht: Springer, 245-254.

Rosenberg, A. (2006): Darwinian Reductionism. Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Molecular Biology. Cambridge: The University of Chicago Press.

Ruse, M. (1973): The Philosophy of Biology. London: Hutchinson University Library.

Santelices, B. (1999): “How many kinds of individuals are there?” Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14: 152-155.

Sarkar, S. (1998): Genetics and Reductionism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schaffner, K.F. (1993): Discovery and Explanation in Biology and Medicine. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Stenmark, M. (2012): “Theories of human nature: key issues”. Philosophy Compass 7(8), 543-558.

Sterelny, K. & Griffiths, P.E. (1999): Sex and Death: An Introduction to Philosophy of Biology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Waters, C.K. (1990): “Why the antireductionist consensus won’t survive the case of classical Mendelian genetics. PSA 1990 (1): 125-139.

Weber, M. (2005): Philosophy of Experimental Biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wild, M. (2010): „Kurioses über Naturalismus und Moral” (Kommentar zu Hans Mohrs „Evolutionäre Ethik“). Erwägen Wissen Ethik 21/2, 310-313.

 (2012): „Der Mensch und andere Tiere. Überlegungen zu einer umstrittenen Redeweise“. In: Liessmann, K.P. (Hg.): Tiere. Der Mensch und seine Natur. Wien: Zsolnay, 48-67.

Wilson, J. (1999): Biological Individuality. The Identity and Persistence of Living Entitities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wilson, R. (Hg.) (1999): Species. New Interdisciplinary Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Wilson, R.A., Barker, M. & Brigandt, I. (2007): “When traditional essentialism fails: biological natural kinds”. Philosophical Topics 35: 189-215.

Wimsatt, W.C. (1976): “Reductive explanation: a functional account”. PSA 1974: 671-710.

 (2007): Re-Engineering Philosophy for Limited Beings. Piecewise Approximations to Reality. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Winsberg, E. (2010): Science in the Age of Computer Simulation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.