

Nachweise zu Jan Baedke, Philosophische Probleme der Epigenetik, Heft 2/2019

[1] Michael Meaney: Nature, Nurture, and the Disunity of Knowledge, in: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 935 (2001), 50-61.

[2] Griffiths, Paul E., and Karola Stotz. 2006. Genes in the postgenomic era. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (6): 499–521.

[3] Waddington, Conrad H. 1940. Organisers and Genes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nach Waddington setzt sich der Begriff „Epigenetik“ aus den Wörtern “epigenesis“ (Aristoteles Theorie nach der sich Entwicklung als gradueller aber qualitativer Wandel vollzieht) und dem Präfix „epi“ (d.h. „über“, z.B. über den Genen) zusammen.

[4] Catherine E. Aiken & Susan E. Ozanne: Transgenerational Developmental Programming, in: Human Reproduction Update 20 (2014), 63-75.

[5] Jablonka, Eva, and Marion J. Lamb 2005. Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life. Cambridge: MIT Press.

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[9] Dawkins, Richard 1982The Extended Phenotype. London: Freeman.

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[11] Waters, C. Kenneth 2007Causes That Make a Difference. Journal of Philosophy 104(11): 551–579.

[12] Scott-Phillips, Thomas C., Thomas E. Dickins, and Stuart A. West 2011Evolutionary Theory and the Ultimate–Proximate Distinction in the Human Behavioral Sciences. Perspectives on Psychological Science 6(1): 38–47.

[13]  Woodward, James 2010Causation in Biology: Stability, Specificity, and the Choice of Levels of Explanation. Biology and Philosophy 25(3): 287–318.

[14]  Baedke, Jan 2018. Above the Gene, Beyond Biology: Towards a Philosophy of Epigenetics. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

[15] Griffiths, Paul, and Karola Stotz 2013Genetics and Philosophy: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[16]  Sober, Elliott 1988Apportioning Causal Responsibility. The Journal of Philosophy 85(6): 303–318.

[17]  Laland, Kevin N., Kim Sterelny, John Odling-Smee, William Hoppitt, and Tobias Uller 2011Cause and Effect in Biology Revisited: Is Mayr’s Proximate-Ultimate Dichotomy Still Useful? Science 334(6062): 1512–1516.

[18] Laland, Kevin N., Tobias Uller, Marcus W. Feldman, et al. 2015The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Its Structure, Assumptions and Predictions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282(1813): 20151019.

[19] Nada Borghol et al.: Associations with Early-life Socio-economic Position in Adult DNA Methylation, in: International Journal of Epidemiology 41 (2012), 62-74.

[20] Baedke, Jan 2017The New Biology of the Social: Shaping Humans’ Future, Science, and Public Health. In Imagined Futures in Science, Technology and Society. G. Verschraegen, F. Vandermoere, L. Brackmans, and B. Segaert, eds. Pp. 45–64. London: Routledge.

[21] Jörg Niewöhner: Epigenetics: Embedded Bodies and the Molecularisation of Biography and Milieu, in: BioSocieties 6 (2011), 279-298.

[22] Waggoner, Miranda R., and Tobias Uller 2015Epigenetic Determinism in Science and Society. New Genetics and Society 34(2): 177–195.

[23] Vgl. Martyn McLaughlin: Babies born into poverty are damaged forever before birth, in: The Scotsman Jan. 24th (2012) [URL:].

[24] Dupras, Charles, and Vardit Ravitsky 2016The Ambiguous Nature of Epigenetic Responsibility. Journal of Medical Ethics 42(8): 534.

[25] Sebastian Schuol: Kritik der Eigenverantwortung: Die Epigenetik im öffentlichen Präventionsdiskurs zum metabolischen Syndrom, in: V. Lux & J. T. Richter (Hrsg.): Kulturen der Epigenetik: Vererbt, codiert, übertragen. Berlin 2014, 271-281.

[26] Meloni, Maurizio 2013Moralizing Biology The Appeal and Limits of the New Compassionate View of Nature. History of the Human Sciences 26(3): 82–106.

[27] Martyn Pickersgill et al.: Mapping the New Molecular Landscape: Social Dimensions of Epigenetics, in: New Genetics and Society 32 (2013), 429-447.

[28] Maria Hedlund: Epigenetic Responsibility, in: Medicine Studies 3 (2012), 171-183.